The Tragic Tale of the Lost Super Fund

The Tragic Tale of the Lost Super Fund

Who will get your super fund when you die? Did you know that superannuation is not covered by your will, and that the trustees of your super fund may distribute your benefits at their discretion? The following case highlights the importance of being very thorough and...
Statutory Will, Murder & Bankruptcy

Statutory Will, Murder & Bankruptcy

How is it that a statutory will can halt a murderer in their tracks but can’t discharge bankruptcy? A statutory will is a will made by the court on behalf of someone who lacks capacity to make or amend a will. Why would someone need the court to make a will on...
Dying Without A Will Causes Chaos

Dying Without A Will Causes Chaos

Dying without a will often leads to chaos, particularly if you have a complex family or business structure. Dying without a will means that you leave your family with no instructions about your final wishes, including your assets, your funeral plans and who should...
Charity Bequests: Should You Do It?

Charity Bequests: Should You Do It?

Are charity bequests a good idea in your will? Charity bequests occur when people leave part of or their entire estate to charities of their choice upon their deaths. The answer regarding charity bequests must often be decided by the court. In the United Kingdom,...
Elder Financial Abuse Needs National Response

Elder Financial Abuse Needs National Response

Australia’s Age Discrimination Commissioner, Susan Ryan, has warned that a national response is required in order to prevent skyrocketing rates of elder financial abuse at the hands of family and friends. “A lot of older people don’t see it...